
Version Changes:
3.1.8 Fix behaviour in case of using SU feature on BE users
3.1.7 Small fixes: Code cleanups, handling of debug switches for devlog
3.1.6 Stable after testing - aequivalent to 3.1.5-beta

Fix target URL when forcing SSL.

Fix unwanted logout, when Shibboleth session ID changes without changing the user.

Prepare “res/” directory for later removal (deprecated)


Fix creation of BE users at FE login in certain cases.

Avoid logout of existing local BE session at FE login.


Rename and move template files

Fix redirect on disabled BE users, when debugging was off

  • broken release with no


3.1.1-beta Fix wrong version number 3.2.0 shown in extension manager

Use Doctrine query builder, if available (Deprecation)

Confine search for already imported users to correct PID

Improve code base and test coverage


Add handling of prefixed server variables

Allow installation in composer mode

If BE_logoutRedirectUrl invalid, prefix correct Shibboleth handler URL

Allow special redirect in case of a Shibboleth user is not yet enabled for BE access

Reject logins, if user ID is empty string

3.0.3 Fix PHP Warning due to dangling reference to registerToolbarItem.php
3.0.2 Fix error message referencing removed directory “hooks”

Removal of obsolete code and settings: Config BE_loginTemplateCss

Change sorting of LoginProviders - Shibboleth now first

3.0.0 Compatibility with 7.6 LTS: internal release without updated documentation and without cleanup
2.0.4 Neutral CI for logout button, fixed behavior for inactive BE auth: Thomas Schikarski
2.0.3 Modification of BE login form and logout button for TU München: Andreas Groth
2.0.2 First release for TYPO3 6.2: Thomas Schikarski
1.0.0 Release for TYPO3 4.5: Thomas Schikarski
0.1.0 First draft: Thomas Schikarski, Irene Höppner